On-going & Future Planed Projects
In order to create the necessary succor to these groups, the Foundation has initiated among many projects, programmes and activities as:
Child Support & Sponsorship:
The need to meet a considerable support for child development is herculean. We seek support and sponsorship to help meet this growing and disturbing challenge through partnership and provision of the following NEEDS –
- education
- medical care & support – drugs, first aid box, etc
- clothing
- beddings
- confectioneries
- relief materials – plastic sheetings, tarpaulins, plastic buckets, stainless steel, kitchen sets, blankets in various sizes and designs, sleeping mats (water wear and tear proof), jerry cans (10L and 20L)
- Hygiene and female dignify kits – soaps, razor, sanitary napkins, laundry soaps, tooth brushes, tooth paste, towels, etc;
- water filter bags
- mosquito nets
- solar lamps
- fire extinguishers
Empowering the widows will go a long way in developing and helping them in meeting the sole responsibilities of the household after the demise of their husbands. Specific actions to meet this will focus on providing the following:
- Life skill training, livelihood and empowerment
- Adult education
- Medical care and support
- Psychological support
- Identified interests in the following vocation development and empowerment trainings in manufacturing /production –
- Animal feeds
- Bakery
- Fashion & garmenting
- Food production/processing comprising processing of agricultural products
- Leather works: footwear, bags, etc
- Meat processing
- Quick service restaurant
- Soap and detergents
- Grocery packaging,
- etc.
- Provision of kits as – cooking kits to deal with the global challenge of climate change and deforestation.
- Provision of hybrid and farm inputs to help the livelihood & empowerment of the widows
The Foundation is in need of the following facilities and infrastructure –
- Seed capital for enterprises/vocation development
- Modern farm implements for agricultural development and empowerment of widows and youth in the promotion of the world-of-work
- Construction of and improvement on infrastructure – road network, drainage, sewage system, water supply, etc.
- Security for the farm/plantation settlement – security fence, gadgets, etc.
- Project farm vehicles
- Solar systems for school, farmland, entire premises, hostel, workstations, etc
- Shelter/accommodation, hostels, staff quarters
- Sporting facilities and accessories as – sport wears, cardigans, special wears, etc
- Language study laboratories in studying key international languages as – French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, to take advantage of future opportunities in further education, training, job, interpretation roles, international diplomacy, international peace advocacy movement, etc.
Future Prowess Planned Projects
Agricultural practices are the mainstay of the people. Thus the Foundation plans a robust Business Development Service for small holders farmers will be very significant in empowering the widows and provide a means of livelihood and sustenance.
The Agriculture Project for the widows will be driven by the need to engage the services of an Agricultural Consulting firm to design plans and strategies to deal with aspects of Business Development Services for smallholder farmers
Building sustainable livelihoods
Since farming and general agricultural practice are the mainstay of the peoples’ practice and means of livelihoods, it is important that the opportunities in the sector are fully harnessed for maximum gains.
The clusters of support services will make them succeed in their endeavours with the objectives of reducing poverty, creating wealth, generating jobs and contributing to growing the rural economy. These activities can be found in the following:
Pre-Farming BDS – Training and Technical Services
- Advocacy, advisory service and general programme orientation
- Organisation of beneficiaries into Groups of cooperatives in the advent of grants and subsidies
- Capacity building on cooperative society management
- Needs analysis of each cooperative society
- Cluster and value chain development
- Feasibility studies, action planning and implementation plan
- Counseling and mentoring
- Capacity building, entrepreneurship training and business management
- Financial literacy, accountancy and bookkeeping
- Linkages to financial services
On Farming BDS – Input Suppliers
- Cluster and value chain development
- Linkage to highbred seedlings and input suppliers
- Facilitating establishment of bulk buying groups
- Information on input supply sources, etc.
- Facilitating suppliers’ credit
- Equipment leasing and rental for land preparation and harvest
- Access to herbicides and other inputs
- Ensuring compliance to farming practices
- Quality assurance programmes
- Harvesting best practices
Post Farming BDS – Market Access
- Cluster and Value Chain Development
- Produce branding, design and packaging
- Storage and warehousing
- Market research, information development and linkages
- Quality assurances programmes
- Produce processing and value addition
- Marketing and Export
- Transport and Delivery
- Business incubators
- Linkage to technology transfer/ commercialization
- Social entrepreneurship
We believe that by creating sustainable livelihoods to the eradication of poverty amongst the target group – widows by developing a practical development approach of creating BIG ideas for agrarian and peasant population that shoulders the burden of sustenance left behind by their husbands as a result of the conflict.
The Foundation realized the need for support and partnership. Thus, we will develop a framework for increasing grants and funding within the target stakeholders and partners.